Making of paper from stone. Production of paper from stone
Stone birth and paper making project: One of the main goals of this project is the non-use of forests and the lack of use of water.
Because about a ton of wood is used to make a ton of paper, which causes the destruction of forests. The next problem is the high consumption of water used to make cellulose paper due to excessive pollution. The water in factories should be located next to the river, while mineral paper (paper made of calcium carbonate or the same stone) does not need water. The next problem is It is added to the pulp of cellulose, which is highly toxic, and the waste is introduced into underground water and later used, while waterproofing paper does not produce any toxic waste.
The forests are eco-friendly. – The above design records are being produced in China, Taiwan, Malaysia. – Application of calcium carbonate in various industries Calcium carbonate is used as filler (filler) in most plastics. It can also be said that there is no threat to the project as its raw material will exist for many years, even centuries. – Product features of this project include: a waterproof sheet rock is even printed out on any impact from adjacent or immersion in water will be the difference against tearing paper made of highly resistant and also Against tears, C: elegance and beauty, D: environmental reversibility, e: complete compatibility with all printing machines
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